Learning and Development

leadership coaching office

If training and development is conducted in a dynamic and thoughtful manner, designed to be delivered to the needs of the business and the personalities of the audience, and is engaging, interactive and specific, it can be extremely powerful. This approach and investment has shown to increase staff retention and attract the best talent, so your business can become an employer of choice, increase management effectiveness, and lead to heightened levels of customer service, amongst many other benefits.

To achieve this growth and sustainability, businesses need to take a thoughtful and invested approach to training. Despite the technological environment, it is still the human element that can build rapport, and trust; understand customer drivers and desires, as well as make recommendations with an understanding of the long-term needs of buyers.

Organisations need to recognise and adapt to the current trends. They need to be aware of the impact – and also the opportunity – of technology and be open to new methods of learning. In an ever-changing world, these organisations stand the best chance of maximising the skills of their people the rewards and opportunities.

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Training: Our Beliefs on What Works

How can organisations ensure their people are continually learning and up-skilling? These are some techniques clients have found useful.

Leading By Example

Stakeholders, leaders, management and HR departments need to lead by example and show a visible commitment to creating a Learning & Development culture. It needs to be a part of who you are and how you do things.

Essentially, you’re creating a learning culture of continuous improvement and a commitment to this approach.


Training needs to be a part of the strategic and budgetary discussion. It should be in all meeting agendas, and its importance should be continually highlighted.

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Create an environment that supports behavioural change

The only way to increase the skillset and capabilities of your teams is through ongoing training and continual learning. From the top down it should be an environment
of investment of time, money and activity. This will support ongoing cultural and behavioural change and lead to increased levels of revenue.

Plan For Success

All training should be planned, budgeted, and committed to as a critical and ongoing business process. Once your plan is in place, and you have the cultural environment in which it can thrive, you can then implement it effectively; track and measure results and refine and amend where required to drive ongoing exceptional results.


Support employees in other ways

With continual training you will develop a strong, diverse and capable team who can take on other roles within the business. This supports the growth and retention of
your IP. Promoting from within is a great retention process and aids the business if you have developed the right skillset with each individual.

Organisations who embrace a culture of continual, tailored and ever-evolving learning and development for their people will go a long way toward achieving and
retaining their customers and their competitive edge.

At ArcTree Advisory we can undertake the following for you to underpin and maximise your investment into your training commitment following a needs analysis of
your organisation and team requirements. Once we have analysed the requirements and skills gaps we can then produce a road map that will enable a focused and
effective delivery and imbedding of content and skills to drive change and cultural enhancement.

Some of the areas we deliver are:

  • Team Coaching and Development
  • Executive Coaching
  • Sales Development
  • Measure & benchmark your team, leader’s and culture’s capability and durability.
  • Training Needs Analysis
  • Coaching Programs – Bespoke to meet the needs of your business.
  • Engagement/Culture Surveys
  • 360 Feedback for leadership / team development
  • Personal Development Plans