About Us
Who are ArcTree Advisory?
We have a deep-rooted expertise in Advisory and HR services, having been in leadership positions ourselves, owned various businesses, and learned in the school of hard-knocks. Allow our learnings to be your advantage to the following:
a) Streamlining your business and business processes,
b) Ensuring your people are on the same journey as you and
c) Helping you avoid pitfalls that come with managing people and businesses in today’s dynamic environment.
Our People

Meet Alan – Managing Director
Alan comes from a successful career in the United Kingdom and Europe working in senior business manager positions with some of the Top 25 FTSE companies. He has a strong commercial understanding of business and the requirements for business to succeed. He has always been driven by the power of the team and the combined focus on achieving a shared and agreed vision.
Educated to Masters level at Middlesex University Business School, London and with a practical and proven Geneal Management and
Sales Management background, Alan has turned around many challenging business units by employing different and robust strategies and approaches. This included driving through team (re)structures, enhancing employee engagement as-well as vision & focus, leading to be award-winning and profitable business units by really adding value to the overall asset estate.
#salesmanagement #restructure #operations #peopledevelopment #commnucationstrategies #generalmanagement #visiondevelopment #peoplestrategies

Meet Auke – Director
Auke is somebody who has always ‘learned by doing’. This included his schooling career, culminating in his MBA from Durham University in the UK, right through to the way he entered, progressed and learned in business.
He has a keen eye for detail and an innate ability to ‘see’ when things are not going well, even in situations where he is not a subject matter expert. Auke was born in the Netherlands, but is a citizen of the world, having grown up and lived everywhere and no-where. When it came time to move somewhere and bring his vast sales, manufacturing, fault finding, people management, and business restructuring experience to the fold, Australia has been his home for close to the last two decades.
Auke’s global experience has shaped him into an all-rounder who knows how things work in business and more importantly what things don’t work in business. His hands-on technical, engineering, people and sales management experience have taught him that people are the drivers of any business, as people deal with people, not businesses.
Auke has a refreshing straight to the point approach that is based on trust, partnership, a drive to always find positive outcomes to move forward on collaboratively, and doing ‘the right thing’, even if this is sometimes the harder thing to do. With these simple mantra’s he has achieved many successes for his customers, colleagues and employers over the years.
#manufacturing #automation #engineering #mining #oil&gas #cybersecurity #softwaredevelopment #programmers #electrical # mechanical #salesmanagement #operations #peopledevelopment #commnucationstrategies #generalmanagement #peoplestrategies #rootcauseanalysis #processimprovements

Linda Schreurs
GM – Finance & Accounting Specialist
Phone: 1300 ArcTree – 1300 272 8733
Email: Linda@ArcTree.com.au
Meet Linda – GM – Finance & Accounting Specialist
Having spent more than 20 years in the accounting industry as an accounting professional, I have worked across a variety of areas including business services, tax, compliance and forensics. For the last 12 years of my career, I have primarily focused on forensic accounting and have significant experience across many engagements including, but not limited to forensic investigations, loss assessments as well as establishing a niche service of providing opinions on the professional conduct and prospective negligence of accountants and financial advisors.
Throughout my career, I have worked on engagements from individual to class action levels as well as completing various tasks and matters for a variety of purposes, including pre-litigation assessments, Court lodgements/applications (both State and Federal), Tribunals and class actions.
I bring a wealth of knowledge to bear, in order to support my clients to get the best from their situations. I can be seen representing many leading law firms in their litigation processes as well as in-depth investigations to source different avenues of success.
In 2023 after 17 years with a professional accounting firm and reaching Associate Director level, I set out on my own, assisting my forensic clients as well as commercial clients in their need for external support across a variety of areas, including but not limited to:
Forensic Accounting Services
Business Performance and Evaluation
Financial Strategy and Management
Cash Flow Management
I hold a Bachelor of Business (Accountancy) from QUT and a graduate diploma in Chartered Accounting from CAANZ, as well as my Certificate of Public Practice from CAANZ.
I am passionate about delivering the highest level of client service, to assist my clients with their needs, whether it be operational accounting or forensics, whilst taking a focused and supportive partnership approach.

Meet Victoria – GM – HR Specialist
Victoria has been in the industry for close to 20 years working in a variety of consulting and internal roles both locally and in the UK & NZ. She has extensive experience working with senior level executives to build their people strategies and then deliver grass roots implementation plans. She is well known for her ability to take a pragmatic, business-centred approach whilst balancing legislative and compliance requirements.
She holds a Masters in Industrial / Organisational Psychology which gives her a deeper insight in to human behaviour in the workplace. This allows her to quickly become your trusted advisor and business partner, providing ongoing support and advice to help grow your business through your people. Whether it’s something big like a new reward incentive scheme, Diversity & Inclusion strategy or organisational restructure, or just updating your HR policies, Vic will quickly become your go to HR person.
#hradvisory #peoplematters #HR #businesstransformation #changemanagement
#diversityandinclusion #reward #compensation #peopleplanning

Meet Lee – HR Manager
Lee is a highly experienced and agile senior HR professional with a proven success track record of developing and implementing effective employee strategies and initiatives. These strategies and initiatives have driven business performances and supported organisations to meet or exceed their planned objectives.
Lee is known for her authentic approach and her ability to achieve positive outcomes through effective and genuine relationship management, whilst using her well-developed ability to negotiate with internal and external stakeholders to foster effective outcomes.
Lee possesses extensive experience working across both strategic and operational HR functionalities within matrix structured organisations. She has deep practical expertise across all aspects of HR, including: performance management, workforce planning, business transformation and change leadership. Lee is the trusted advisor, able to lead and interact with others in a manner where she will role-model your organisational values and behaviours.
#changeleadership #performancemanagement #HR #HRsupport #IR #IR #businesstransofrormation #workforceplanning #values #compliance

Cath de Ruyter de Wildt
GM – Governance, Risk & Compliance
Phone: 1300 ArcTree – 1300 272 8733
Email: Advisory@ArcTree.com.au
Meet Cath
Cath is a senior-level management consulting professional, who has worked for both a Big Four consulting firm and a Big Four Australian Bank, where she helped C-level management to resolve their Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) problems. She was also a practice Partner at a global IT Services firm, where Cath and her team advised organisations from small to large and across multiple industries, how to effectively manage operational risks including people risks, compliance risks and IT security risks.
Cath’s philosophy in work, and indeed across all elements of life, is to keep things simple. That sounds… simple, but she often finds that businesses have unnecessarily complicated processes and systems. The result is either a heavy Governance, Risk & Compliance burden where there doesn’t need to be one, or a lack of understanding or insight into the risks and issues a company faces.
Cath can help your organisation establish or enhance your understanding and management of key people and other operational risks, develop a GRC management capability, conduct risk assessments and develop risk management strategies and roadmaps. She can also help to build up your team’s GRC skills and advise in the selection and implementation of risk management IT solutions.
#riskmanagement #peoplerisk #riskandcompliance #GRC #riskstrategies #riskroadmap #technologyrisk
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